Full-Screen Technology Increases Power Generation by 6-15% - No water and dust, which reduces the power loss and maintenance cost.
Longer Life Span – high durability increases overall life span.
Aesthetically Pleasing
Higher Power Generation Efficiency - N-type TOPCon module could increase power generation by 3%+ per watt compared with PERC module
Lower Degradation Rate, PID Resistance - First-year ≤1%, 2-30 year ≤0.4%; excellent Anti-PID performance
Lower Temp. Coefficient - More power generation under high-temperature
Better Dim Light Performance - Excellent performance under dim light
Specifications -
Module Type - DHN-72X16/FS
Maximum Power (Pmax/W) - 595
Open-circuit Voltage (Voc/V) - 52.0
Maximum Power Voltage (Vmp/V) - 44.2
Short-circuit Current (Isc/A) - 14.32
Maximum Power Current (Imp/A) - 13.46
Module Eficiency (%) - 23.02
Click link to view FULL product specification