Designed to protect sensitive electronics equipment from abnormal high and low voltages. In addition to its voltage protection capabilities, the IP Series (Model: IP13M120 ONLY) protector also monitors the wiring to your equipment and will indicate by means of its onboard LED display, if a wiring or ground fault has occurred. The dual start-up timer mode of the IP surge protectors make them also suitable for small to medium size compressor base equipment like inverter air conditioners, refrigerators, coolers and freezers.
Intelligent protection is achieved using a high speed digital microprocessor. The clock speed of the microprocessor enable the Ultimate Surge Protectors to monitor the input voltage and wiring fault at 1Mhz (Mega Hertz), which is approximately one million (1,000,000) times faster than the input AC volt-age being monitored. Model IP Series protectors are built using a high qual-ity plastic enclosure, which is fire retardant, none conductive and mechani-cally strong.